The average house price on EVERGREEN WALK is £290,571
The most expensive house in the street is 4 EVERGREEN WALK with an estimated value of £473,422
The cheapest house in the street is 8 EVERGREEN WALK with an estimated value of £160,462
The house which was most recently sold was 6 EVERGREEN WALK, this sold on 16 Sep 2022 for £300,000
The postcode for EVERGREEN WALK is GL2 0RD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 EVERGREEN WALK Terraced £274,531 £160,000 22 Sep 2006
2 EVERGREEN WALK Terraced £280,735 £99,500 26 Jul 2002
3 EVERGREEN WALK Terraced £240,510 £172,500 18 Dec 2015
4 EVERGREEN WALK Terraced £473,422 £190,000 31 Jan 2003
5 EVERGREEN WALK Terraced £304,827 £291,999 3 Mar 2022
6 EVERGREEN WALK Terraced £299,800 £300,000 16 Sep 2022
7 EVERGREEN WALK Terraced £322,117 £135,000 1 May 2003
8 EVERGREEN WALK Terraced £160,462 £67,250 23 May 2003
9 EVERGREEN WALK £258,741 £252,000 27 May 2022